Infrared Thermography Inspection

Even new components can be defective
In electrical systems increased resistance can be caused by component age, fatigue, oxidation, wear, loose connections or poor installation.

2. Mechanical Infrared Inspections
Employees responsible for safety, production and equipment maintenance should conduct periodic infrared imaging surveys of all mechanical equipment to reduce failures.
When equipment experiences variations in load, environmental exposure, over/under lubrication or incorrect adjustment of it components, the end result may be increased friction between the moving parts in the system. The increased friction can cause hot spots to develop, which can be pinpointed with our high-resolution imager. As with an electrical infrared inspection, mechanical infrared is a perfect match between the diagnostic technology of Thermography and the application.
First image: Infrared thermogram showing a hot spot on the side of a rotating Kiln used for drying the sand used in making concrete mix. This is an indication of a breakdown in the refectory brick insulation lining the kiln.
Thermal Imaging can control costs through less downtime and reduced spare parts inventory
A proactive maintenance program can help to control costs through less downtime, eliminating product loss, preventing injuries and reducing inventory for standby spare parts.
Some of the conditions detectable by an infrared mechanical inspection:
- Misalignment of coupled equipment
- Over and under lubrication of bearings
- Over and under tension of belts
- Excessive friction
- Defective equipment
Excess heat caused by increased friction is usually the first sign of a future problem. Thermographic imaging will 'see' the increased heat finding problems while they are still small and before catastrophic failure happens. With advanced warning of failures, you have an opportunity to take preemptive and corrective action.